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Neuroscint Project

Mission: Development of Bilateral Multiscale Neural Simulator


NEUROSCINT stands for NEUROSCIence INTegration. The purpose is to develop neural simulator which can estimate internal state of human through external measurement. We aim to develop neurosciene integration platform where vast amount of neuroscience knowledges are embedded. The project is running as one of the project in the PRESTO Program of Japan Science and Technology Agency since October 2004 (PI: Mihoko Otake). Also, since April 2005, it is running as one of the project in the SCINT Human Program of the University of Tokyo.

Selected Publications

  • M. Otake and T. Takagi, Reassembly and interfacing neural models registered on biological model databases, Genome Informatics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 76-85, 2005.
  • M. Otake and Y. Nakamura, Anatomical model of the spinal nervous system and its application to the coordination analysis for motor learning support system, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 847-853, 2005.