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Visit Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience Popular site    Last Update 2005/12/14 12:15
Category  Laboratories
This site contains articles, movies and demos of computational models developed during the last few years, successively at the University of Brussels (Belgium), the Salk Institute (USA), Laval University (Canada) and at CNRS (France). The topics range from biophysical models of synaptic transmission at the main receptor types (AMPA, NMDA, GABAA, GABAB and neuromodulators), single-cell models of the electrophysiological properties of central neurons (thalamus and neocortex), as well as network models (thalamic and cortical networks).

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Visit The Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology Popular site    Last Update 2005/12/14 14:16
Category  Laboratories
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 8, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Our main aim is to understand the cellular bases of motor behaviour with a focus on the mechanisms underlying selection of behaviour and the neural bases of in particular locomotion and posture.

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