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Horned turtles butchered to extinction from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-17 4:00) |
Hungry humans killed off the giant horned turtles of the Pacific 3000 years ago
Today on New Scientist: 16 August 2010 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-17 2:00) |
All today's stories on NewScientist.com at a glance, including: the struggle to save arithmetic, thieving parrots and exploding moss
The descent of man from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-17 0:45) |
Is There Anything Good About Men? by Roy Baumeister fails to offer clear answers to its own questions
Deep blue oceans spawn fewer tropical storms from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 23:58) |
Plankton have a lot to answer for. By colouring ocean waters, the microscopic plants encourage hurricanes and typhoons
Mystery of most common contact allergy solved from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 23:44) |
Cells that confuse nickel for invading bacteria are behind the most common contact allergy in the western world
Julian Assange: The end of secrets? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 23:13) |
Lifting the lid on the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks and its enigmatic hacker-turned-activist founder
Autism explosion half explained, half still a mystery from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 21:40) |
Sociologists have accounted for 50 per cent of the sevenfold rise in autism cases in developed nations, but are struggling to explain the other half
X-ray security scans go interactive from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 21:15) |
Advanced luggage scanners will produce rotatable 3D images of objects– and even reveal their chemical composition
Exploding moss and swinging robots from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 18:40) |
From 3D supernovae to exploding moss, New Scientist brings you the best science videos on the web this month
Laser sets quail embryos' hearts racing from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-16 2:00) |
An infrared laser has been used as an optical pacemaker, tripling the pulse rate of a quail embryo– the technique could one day work in humans too