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Hidden rocks from infant Earth hint at planet's origin from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-13 0:18) |
A reservoir of rock that remained intact for 4.5 billion years suggest that Earth's predecessors may have lost their skins
Gas transistor turned on by light from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-13 0:09) |
Light of different colours can open and close a new valve membrane– it could provide a safe way to control the flow of flammable gases in fuel cells
Combination punch could fell rainforests from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 23:28) |
The combined effects of climate change and deforestation threaten 80 per cent of Earth's tropical forests? but they can still be saved
Depression dulls sense of smell from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 22:29) |
People who suffer depression are less sensitive to odours and the parts of their brains responsible for smelling are smaller
After a miscarriage, no need to put off trying again from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 22:04) |
Women who conceive soon after miscarrying are at no more risk of another failed pregnancy than those who wait six months
Dinosaur man: playing creationists at their own game from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 20:06) |
Palaeontologist Phil Senter has a persuasive strategy for convincing doubters that all life on Earth has a common origin
Is climate change burning Russia? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 18:35) |
For weeks Russia has sweltered, recording its highest ever temperatures– here is New Scientist 's guide to the causes and consequences
Does NDM-1 herald the end of the antibiotic era? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 18:30) |
The spread of a drug-resistant bacterial gene first identified in India could herald the end of antibiotics, reports Jessica Hamzelou
New monkey species already looks scared from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 8:01) |
Found in a region called Caquetá in south Colombia, cut off by war for many years, the new species is already thought to be critically endangered
E=mc2? Not on Conservapedia from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 7:50) |
Religious attacks on evolution are nothing new, but now a conservative website is taking aim at a seemingly unlikely target: general relativity