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Moonless sky sets stage for dazzling meteor show from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 5:20) |
A hundred 'shooting stars' may grace the skies every hour during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower this Thursday night
Early humans were butchers 3.4 million years ago from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 2:29) |
Marks on fossil bones unearthed in Ethiopia push the date at which early humans used tools to eat meat back to 3.4 million years ago
Early humans used tools much earlier than we thought from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 2:29) |
Marks on fossil bones unearthed in Ethiopia push the date at which early humans used tools to eat meat back to 3.4 million years ago
Fractals promise higher-temperature superconductors from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 2:00) |
Like the internet and networks of amorous couples, a superconducting crystal has been found to show "scale-free" organisation
Fallible DNA evidence can mean prison or freedom from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 2:00) |
Expert interpretations of DNA profiles can seal a suspect's fate. A special New Scientist investigation reveals how variable such opinions can be
Today on New Scientist: 11 August 2010 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 2:00) |
All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: the secret behind recent extreme weather, how hydrogen rewrites life's history and atomic Jenga
'God couldn't do faster': Rubik's cube mystery solved from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 1:28) |
Every possible arrangement of the Rubik's cube can be solved in 20 moves or less, a figure dubbed "God's number"
Fasting mothers raise potential risk for unborn babies from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-12 0:28) |
Women who fast while pregnant produce smaller placentas, which is linked to a greater risk of the child having cardiovascular disease in later life
Atomic Jenga could turn domestic refrigerators green from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-11 21:43) |
The magnetic properties of some materials depend on a few key atoms only, a finding that could help lower the cost of environmentally friendly magnetic cooling
Zoologger: The world's most fecund vertebrate from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-11 20:59) |
Resembling a gigantic severed fish head, the ocean sunfish is the heaviest bony fish in the sea, and the female produces more eggs than any other vertebrate