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Early puberty in girls doubles in a decade from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 23:20) |
Ten per cent of white girls in the US reach puberty aged 7. Prime suspects are obesity and exposure to environmental chemicals that mimic oestrogen
Future on display: Technology you'll want to stroke from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 23:14) |
You might not be expect it, but a new furry display is the latest in computer technology– and people can't help but stroke it
Cosmology's not broken, so why try to fix it? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 22:39) |
Claims that there is something wrong with our standard model of the universe rest on flawed logic, say Andrew Pontzen and Hiranya Peiris
P≠ NP? It's bad news for the power of computing from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 22:35) |
Some mathematical problems will remain hard no matter how cunning your computer program, a new proof has shown
An oversimplified guide to the human mind from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 20:35) |
In Use Your Head, brothers Daniel and Jason Freeman try to explain experimental psychology but end up relying on trivia and factoids
NASA seeks secrets of commercial moon landers from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 7:46) |
Swallowing its pride, NASA says it wants to learn from future commercial missions to the moon– and it is willing to pay up to $30 million for the privilege
Hiding files in Flickr pics will fool web censors from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 2:18) |
Censoring the web is about to become harder thanks to a system which hides news articles in files on innocuous photo-sharing sites
Metamaterials could bring cheaper T-ray scanners from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 2:02) |
Finding cheap ways to generate terahertz radiation could see them more widely used for astronomy and security– and metamaterials may be the key
Today on New Scientist: 9 August 2010 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 2:00) |
All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: New Scientist's neuromarketing experiment, rethinking space-time and a flavour-changing cookie
The faith that underpins science from New Scientist - Online News (2010-8-10 1:25) |
In Why Beliefs Matter: Reflections on the nature of science, E. Brian Davies ponders the impossibility of escaping our philosophical beliefs