Do you care what happens to a baby's blood sample?
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 19:34)
Pinpricks of blood taken from newborns are a gold mine for medical research– but now some US parents are raising privacy worries
Living in denial: Unleashing a lie
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 16:00)
It's easy to send a lie flying around the world, and almost impossible to shoot it down, says Jim Giles
Levitating glass bead proves Einstein wrong
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 6:47)
Though the eminent physicist said it couldn't be done, the velocity of a particle undergoing jittery Brownian motion has now been measured
I, microbe: Sequencing the bugs in our bodies
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 4:32)
NIH researchers publish the genomes of 178 microbes that call the human body home– the project could lead to new treatments for disease
Today on New Scientist: 20 May 2010
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 2:00)
All today's stories on at a glance, including: the fishy case of omega-3, a generator powered by heartbeats, and galactic cannibal feasts
Immaculate creation: birth of the first synthetic cell
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 1:55)
Craig Venter's team has assembled a living organism from scratch– now the philosophical arguments can start about whether he has created life
If Earth had two moons: Reimagining the solar system
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 1:45)
In What if the Earth had Two Moons?, astronomer Neil Comins imagines tweaks that might make our cosmic neighbourhood subtly? or hugely ? different
New supernova class may undermine dark matter search
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 1:40)
The discovery of a new class of supernova may be bad news for claims that signs of dark matter have been observed at the centre of the Milky Way, says Anil Ananthaswamy
UK government plans: science hardly gets a mention
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 1:20)
The coalition's official statement of intent only uses the word "science" twice. Will scientists have a voice in new government, asks Imran Khan
Heartbeats tapped for power generator implant
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-5-21 1:12)
A tiny implantable generator that converts heartbeats into electricity could power early-warning sensors for hypoglycaemia and other medical problems