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Eye-squint-cheek-bulge means 'ouch' from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-10 2:00) |
The facial expressions of mice can be used to assess the pain they are in, thanks to a new "mouse grimace scale"
Bahamas islands were giant labs for lizard experiment from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-10 2:00) |
One of the most ambitious ecological field experiments ever conducted has resolved a long-standing question about the evolution of lizards
Dents in Earth's gravitational field due to plumes from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-10 2:00) |
Plumes of hot rock that form as slabs of crust fall through the Earth's mantle could explain the mysterious dips in our planet's gravitational field
Quantum wonders: Nobody understands from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-9 22:00) |
Paradoxes are only conflicts between reality and your feelings of what reality ought to be
Become a wage slave to software from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-9 21:00) |
If you've ever joked about your boss being a robot, stop laughing– they soon could be
Turbocharge stem cells to repair bone from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-9 20:00) |
Mice with broken legs healed three times faster than normal thanks to a protein that triggers stem cell division
Face-saving software rescues bad snaps from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-9 19:00) |
Software that knows what your friends and family are supposed to look like can fix blurry photos of them
Quantum wonders: Superfluids and supersolids from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-9 18:00) |
Forget radioactive spider bites and exposure to gamma rays, it's quantum theory that gives you superpowers
Quantum wonders: The field that isn't there from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-8 22:00) |
You have to think about where an electromagnetic field isn't, as well as where it is, as far as particles are concerned
Even silent videos excite the listening brain from New Scientist - Online News (2010-5-8 21:00) |
Silent videos of a person playing a musical instrument stimulate auditory regions of the brain