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Swine flu no big deal? Look at years of life lost from New Scientist - Online News (2010-4-1 1:20) |
The pandemic took about as many lives as a bad season of flu? but it cost three times as many years of life
Male crayfish turned on by urine from New Scientist - Online News (2010-4-1 0:59) |
The crustaceans have an unusual weapon for their battle of the sexes– now scientists have made it glow in the dark
Tidal power? No thanks from New Scientist - Online News (2010-4-1 0:58) |
The north of Scotland has been described as the Saudi Arabia of marine power? but there isn't much energy to be had from any sea, says Hans van Haren
Data sifted from Facebook wiped after legal threats from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 20:36) |
A dataset of 210 million public Facebook profiles was set to be released to researchers– but has been destroyed after the company took legal action
Imagining a universe for Ian McEwan from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 20:21) |
How physicist Graeme Mitchison devised a fictional Nobel-winning theory– and even wrote a speech accepting the prize– for McEwan's new novel, Solar
The brain's other half: picturing the white matter from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 20:16) |
Seeing the quality of brain connections gives us insights into creativity, intelligence and mental illness? and spectacular pictures to boot
Close call with death leaves its mark on DNA from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 18:31) |
Lizards that have shed their tails have unusually shortened telomeres– adding to evidence linking stress and ageing
Oceanology: Tethered antenna keeps subs in touch from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 17:00) |
Radio signals don't travel far underwater, but robot submarines could release an antenna to float to the surface when they need to contact their base
Seychelles environment chief takes the fight to pirates from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 16:00) |
The Seychelles is plagued by pirates and threatened by climate change? but its environment minister is fighting back
Runaway star may have spawned the solar system from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-31 12:02) |
A single star that escaped its family– not the usual close-knit stellar clan– may have provided the raw material for our solar system