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Moon marriage may have given Jupiter a ring from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-20 1:20) |
A faint streak near Jupiter's moon Himalia may be a new ring formed by the material created by a smash between moons
'Junk' DNA gets credit for making us who we are from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-20 1:11) |
We are finally pinning down how much differences in non-coding DNA, which doesn't produce proteins, shape our individual traits and disease risks
Orang-utans can swim - we've got pictures to prove it from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-20 1:05) |
They normally avoid water, so it was a surprise when orphan apes found all sorts of reasons to jump in? our gallery reveals what they get up to
Why teenagers find learning a drag from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 23:09) |
The brain molecules behind a learning deficit that sets in during puberty have been identified in mice– and blocked
This week's top stories [19 March 2010] from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 23:00) |
Our top articles ranked by reader popularity. Mom and dad, stop stifling me - it's damaging my brain Does the pill help women live longer? Yes and no Shape-shifting polymer pulls off amazing memory tricks Pi day: Five tasty facts about the famous ratio Today on New Scientist: 12 March 2010 Better living through green chemistry Behind the scenes at Kew Gardens Gloomy octopus is 'moody' octopus 'Wasabi' gene gives snakes night vision Evidence for life on Mars may be staring us in the face
Caviar fish are most endangered group of animals from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 22:55) |
16 of the 25 sturgeon species are now critically endangered, including the much-prized Beluga sturgeon
Innovation: Market research wants to open your skull from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 22:33) |
Your brainwaves betray what you really think about brands and their products– and marketeers want to tune into them
Recipe for rarity: fish threatened by cookbooks from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 22:00) |
A study of seafood recipes over 122 years has shown that the prestige of big, predatory fish has grown even as overfishing has slashed their numbers
'Credit card theft? There's an app for that' from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 21:25) |
A service industry for malware is making it possible for anyone with basic computer skills to launch state-of-the-art cyber-attacks
Barefoot statistics: Data for the people from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-19 17:00) |
It's time to wrest control of statistics from the governments and corporations who pick up the tab, says Ludi Simpson