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Could moon rocket demise bring space shuttle reprieve? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-17 0:03) |
Opponents of the plan to retire the space shuttle later this year have been emboldened by the cancellation of NASA's Constellation programme
Amputees could get a helping hand in the virtual world from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 23:15) |
The rubber hand illusion is even more powerful in virtual environments, where people adopt virtual appendages as their own without physical stimuli
Crystals + sound + water = clean hydrogen fuel from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 21:41) |
A novel material absorbs the energy of sound waves and uses it to rip apart water molecules, releasing hydrogen gas
Mind-reading gorillas love a good game from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 21:16) |
Not only humans cajole bored friends to keep playing with them– it shows that gorillas may have "theory of mind", and maybe even a sense of humour
If mum is happy and you know it, wave your fetal arms from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 21:08) |
Not only food and oxygen pass from woman to fetus? fleeting sadness or happiness can also be transmitted to an unborn baby
Parasite lost: Exterminating Africa's horror worms from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 20:36) |
The guinea worm grows to a metre long in its victim's body before punching its way out? but hopefully not for much longer
Levitate cancer cells for rapid 3D tissue from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 19:07) |
Iron-rich cells that grow into balls when "levitated" by magnets could provide a new way to study cancer in the lab– and produce replacement tissue for grafts
Kees van Deemter: The importance of being vague from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 19:00) |
The computational linguist argues that the world is not made of discrete objects nor represented by binary logic– time to embrace our fuzzy reality
'Bug' prints can put you at crime scene from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 4:00) |
By comparing the unique collection of bacteria found on a person's hand with those recovered at a crime scene, microbes could act like fingerprints
Today on New Scientist: 15 March 2010 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-3-16 3:00) |
All today's stories on newscientist.com at a glance, including: the extreme empaths who feel your pain, the true forces driving elephant poaching, and the power of the "Wasabi" gene