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US menu of eligible stem cells set to lengthen from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-24 1:31) |
The US government plans to add lines created from early-stage embryos to the list of human embryonic stem cells that federally funded research can use
Mathematicians offer tip-offs to LAPD from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-24 1:06) |
Two new equations describe how crime hotspots form– and what police can do about them
Sight savers: New weapons trained on blindness from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 22:44) |
Macular degeneration is the most common cause of blindness in the west? but a host of pioneering therapies that exploit the eye's unique structure could change that
Good vibrations aid mind-controlled steering from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 22:26) |
A vibrating belt and a brainwave-sensing skullcap allow paralysed people to drive a wheelchair by thought alone
Global treaty may make your ISP spy on you from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 20:46) |
A leaked document suggests that internet service providers may be compelled to sift through their customers' data looking for copyright transgressions
Stop funding homeopathy, say British MPs from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 20:44) |
The UK's National Health Service is being urged to stop paying for "placebo" remedies
Magnet magic puts phone control in the air from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 20:33) |
Using a hand-held magnet to interact with a cellphone's in-built compass can allow users to control their phone with natural gestures
Drayson: Finding applications could help save science from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 20:20) |
In an S Word exclusive, UK science minister Paul Drayson appeals to scientists to become more eagle-eyed in spotting the commercial opportunities generated by their work
Should scientists be asking these questions? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 20:00) |
Michael Hanlon is a probing inquirer, but are his 10 Questions Science Can't Answer (Yet) really the most important ones?
CERN on trial: could a lawsuit shut the LHC down? from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-23 17:00) |
The possibility of the Large Hadron Collider destroying the Earth could yet be debated in court. What would happen next, wonders Eric?E.?Johnson