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World record attempt for rearing deep-sea squid from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 21:05) |
A marine ecologist is attempting to break his own world record for rearing deep sea squid in captivity, says Wendy Zukerman
Chagos marine protection plan condemned as unethical from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 20:55) |
A British plan to conserve a large chunk of surviving empire has been backed by the IUCN but condemned by its own ethics lawyers
Scientists should be on tap, not on top from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 19:40) |
Should scientists have a special voice when it comes to deciding government policy? The UK's former chief scientific adviser says no
Xu Xing: Unearthing how dinosaurs became birds from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 19:35) |
From a four-winged, pocket-sized "tetrapteryx" to the feathered ancestor of T. rex : we talk to the man who's named more dinosaurs than anyone else
Looking for art among the gadgets from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 18:00) |
Art-science gadgetry is great geek fun, but does it have artistic value?
Child psychiatric diagnosis on trial from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 3:11) |
A proposed new category of childhood disorder has been brought into focus by the conviction of a mother for killing her daughter
Today on New Scientist: 16 February 2010 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 3:00) |
All today's stories on newscientist.com at a glance, including: the key to regenerating bodies, the mock cyber-attack on the US, and why warp speed kills
Superbugs blamed on shoddy repairs from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 2:31) |
Antibiotics actively create new mutations that make bacteria resistant to different antibiotic medicines
Healing touch: the key to regenerating bodies from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 2:07) |
The secret to repairing our tissues and growing new organs is getting all touchy-feely with cells
Starship pilots: speed kills, especially warp speed from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-17 2:05) |
Star Trek fans, prepare to be disappointed: travelling at warp speed is as lethal as standing in front of the Large Hadron Collider beam at full power