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Crystal twins hint at hydrogen storage breakthrough from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-5 0:34) |
Two apparently identical compounds turn out to hold dramatically different quantities of hydrogen– hinting at a whole new class of valuable materials
Sharing apes: what bonobos have in common with us from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 23:14) |
For the first time bonobos have been shown to freely share food with others, something that only humans had been seen to do before
Headache pill could save earthquake crush victims from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 23:00) |
A single dose of Tylenol or paracetamol could help prevent kidney failure in people rescued from rubble
Synthetic cobwebs could boost chemical reactions from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 22:30) |
Spiderwebs' ability to attract moisture encourages chemists to create a synthetic version, which could used to speed up chemical reactions
The STFC: what went wrong from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 21:40) |
An explanation for the chronic funding problems of physics emerged this week - but the government needs to fix the harmful effects as well as treat the cause
Dying stars eat comets for their last supper from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 20:49) |
When the sun dies, it's not just Earth that will be doomed? the destruction will reach as far as the comets in the outer solar system
'Mumnesia' is a myth from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 20:30) |
The popular belief that pregnancy reduces memory seems to be a myth, a result that empowers mothers-to-be, says Wendy Zukerman
Briefing: What NASA's proposed changes really mean from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 8:37) |
The White House wants to cancel NASA's 'Constellation' programme and develop advanced technologies instead– New Scientist takes a closer look at what it all means
Cassini probe to get first look at new season on Saturn from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 7:31) |
NASA has extended the spacecraft's mission until 2017, meaning it will get the first detailed look at summer in Saturn's northern hemisphere
Giving the 'unconscious' a voice from New Scientist - Online News (2010-2-4 7:00) |
It is now possible to communicate with people who seem to be in a vegetative state, by tapping into their brain activity