Going undercover to catch the cybercriminals
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-2-2 20:00)
Self-taught hacker Barrett Lyon worked with a secret service agent to stop a wave of cyberattacks? but he soon went solo
Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-2-2 19:59)
Books last for centuries. Computer memories last only decades. If disaster struck, how much of our knowledge would future humans be able to retrieve?
NASA nixes moon plan, leaving options wide open
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-2-2 6:30)
The White House says it wants to focus on developing new technologies for space flight rather than choosing specific destinations
Obama keeps his pledge to boost science
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-2-2 5:32)
Talk of a spending freeze had made researchers jumpy, but the US administration is sticking to its emphasis on innovation
Jittery crickets pass spidey-senses to offspring
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 21:00)
A mother's care knows no barrier? even, it turns out, the small matter of never meeting her young
Molecular Venus flytrap could munch nuclear waste
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 19:00)
A sulphide-based structure can trap radioactive caesium ions, presenting a possible method for clearing up contaminated sites
Today on New Scientist: 29 January 2010
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 3:00)
Today's stories on newscientist.com at a glance, including: why you're only half human, how a laser reached a key milestone for fusion, and why there's nothing in homepathy
New Scientist TV January 2010
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 2:49)
We study locust behaviour, examine our ancestors' teeth and find out about a mystery orchid pollinator in the latest New Scientist vodcast
What alien worlds orbit our nearest star?
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 2:19)
Simulations of the conditions in the Alpha Centauri star system suggest Earth-like planets might exist there, but gas giants are unlikely
Seeing the songs of whales
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-30 1:20)
An obscure mathematical trick transforms whalesong and into strikingly beautiful patterns