Flu in pregnancy changes fetal brain
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-28 1:20)
The brains of monkeys whose mothers had flu while pregnant resemble those of people with schizophrenia
Aural perfection without the sound engineer
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-28 0:13)
Forthcoming software is capable of making minor tweaks to live music to make it sound as if it is being mixed by an expert
Zoologger: The very hungry caterpillar usurps a queen
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 23:14)
What sounds like a touching story of interspecies love turns out to be a genocidal tale of gluttonous excess
Hollywood's Darwin: No match for the real thing
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 19:30)
The film Creation has received mixed reviews - perhaps fictional versions can't do justice to the real Darwin.
Reality TV show puts contestants into the Sahara
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 19:19)
Soil engineer Newton Jibunoh has created a reality television endurance show, Desert Warriors , to highlight the dangers of desertification in Nigeria and Niger
Trapped Mars rover's driving days are over
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 7:34)
After months of trying to extricate the Spirit rover from a sand trap, NASA believes the attempt is hopeless– but the robot's useful life may not be over
Why older brains stand to lose more
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 7:00)
Ageing may cloud financial judgement, thanks to "noise" in an area of the brain critical for predicting pay-offs
Religion could survive discovery of ET, survey suggests
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 6:49)
In a survey, a minority of religious people said the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence would pose a problem for the world's faiths
Today on New Scientist: 26 January 2010
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 3:00)
Today's stories on newscientist.com at a glance, including: how evolution evolved, how the internet will break the 100-gigabit barrier, and why crows are giving you the evil eye
Internet backbone breaks the 100-gigabit barrier
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-27 2:08)
With video streaming and massive downloads clogging the net, smarts as well as scale are needed to keep the data flowing