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Analysis: Swine flu is not just a hoax by big pharma from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-20 2:41) |
While firms will have boosted profits as a result of H1N1, the reality of the pandemic is more complicated than a simple revenue grab
No health risk from Haiti dead bodies from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-20 0:38) |
Health authorities advise that the bodies pose little infection risk and relief workers should concentrate on the living instead, says Andy Coghlan
Ares I is 'safest choice' to replace shuttle from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-20 0:32) |
An independent safety panel backed NASA's beleaguered Ares programme, because it has been designed with safe human travel in mind from the outset
Interactive paper creates the greetings card 2.0 from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 23:31) |
Electrical circuits made by printed ink are helping to create a new generation of "intelligent" greeting cards and books
Time for David Cameron to woo scientists from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 23:10) |
The British prime minister has done it. So has Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader. But not the leader of the opposition
Why the Haiti quake killed so many from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 22:18) |
Geologists tell New Scientist why the death toll is so much higher than in comparable earthquakes
Solar system 'on fire' burned up Earth's carbon from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 21:28) |
A fire sweeping through the inner solar system may have scorched away much of the carbon from Earth, explaining our planet's mysterious carbon deficit
Tentacled snakes feel their way to a midnight feast from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 21:05) |
The mysterious moustache of an aquatic snake may help it "see" in murky waters by detecting subtle currents generated by its prey
Nuclear safety: When positive is negative from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 17:00) |
The world's supply of medical isotopes is under threat, thanks to the mothballing of Canada's brand-new Maples reactors. What happened?
Deep-sea snail shell could inspire next-gen armour from New Scientist - Online News (2010-1-19 5:00) |
The layered shell, rich in iron-based nanoparticles, that protects snails living on deep-sea vents could inspire new types of body armour for humans