Today on New Scientist: 18 January 2010
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 3:00)
Today's stories on at a glance, including: gadgets from outer space, the Exxon Valdez clean-up conundrum, and a robot that learns different ways of walking
Liberal Democrats make firm pledges on science
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 1:45)
Nick Clegg, leader of the UK's Liberal Democrats, today broke with tradition to make five commitments to science policy
Panic walking gets robot out of sticky situations
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 1:42)
A six-legged robot learns different walking styles, which it can then use to adapt to tricky terrain or even flee from the first signs of trouble
Zebrafish make good 'guinea pigs' for human drugs
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 0:54)
Zebrafish behaviour is a good indicator for how a drug will change chemistry in the human brain
The United Nations of science: why we need it
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 0:44)
Don't give up on a rational world just yet. Science academies from around the globe are getting together to make a difference, says Lorna Casselton
Alaska faces Exxon Valdez clean-up conundrum
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-19 0:00)
Two decades after one of the world's most devastating oil spills, doubts remain over whether to clean up the remaining pollution or leave well alone
Art and science in motion
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-18 23:45)
A new exhibition at the Estorick Collection in London traces the history of our understanding of motion
Newton's apple: The real story
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-18 20:30)
A manuscript has surfaced from the Royal Society that tells the truth about Newton and the apple
Down to Earth: Gadgets from outer space
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-18 20:22)
Forget Teflon? the space programme has equipped Earthlings with a wealth of technologies that go way beyond non-stick frying pans
Space shuttles for sale
from New Scientist - Online News
(2010-1-18 20:16)
Space shuttle for sale, fully loaded, air conditioning, one careful owner: Justin Mullins has the details