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2010 preview: Is this the year that we create life? from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 21:00) |
'Synthia'? a living bacterial cell carrying a genome made from scratch in the lab ? could be born
[ニュース] 日本工業大学、「教師」にもなる120cmのヒューマノイドロボット教材を導入〜ゼットエムピー社と from Robot Watch (2009-12-21 20:33) |
Australian government plans internet censorship from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 20:22) |
Anyone accessing the web in Australia could soon find their data passing through government filters first
Richard Wrangham: Cooking is what made us human from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 20:19) |
Cooking food allowed our ancestors to evolve our big brains, the zoologist argues, and created the gender roles still observed by most people
Engage the x drive: Ten ways to traverse deep space from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 19:00) |
So far humans have only made it to the moon. We look at some technologies and wild ideas that could take us much farther
The vast left-brain conspiracy from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 19:00) |
In The Master and his Emissary, Iain McGilchrist argues that struggle between brain hemispheres has shaped history? Owen Flanagan is not convinced
[ニュース] ロボットフォース、「第2回ROBO STAR in ATC」を開催〜中学生からシニアまで、自慢のロボットを from Robot Watch (2009-12-21 17:27) |
Let's face it, science is boring from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 17:00) |
Mouse urine, puréed goldfish brains and human computers. Sound interesting? Well, it's not. Honest
[ニュース] 富士ソフトの二足歩行ロボットが初公開〜正式発表は2010年1月下旬の予定 from Robot Watch (2009-12-21 14:41) |
2010 preview: Automotive X Prize contestants power up from New Scientist - Online News (2009-12-21 4:00) |
From May, more than 40 teams will compete for a share of a $10 million prize for the most efficient car that could be mass-produced