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RSS/ATOM 記事 (61568)
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Beagle 2 may have tumbled to a fiery doom from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 3:00) |
A design flaw probably caused the Mars probe to spin out of control as it descended, says a team of hypersonics engineers
'Megamaser' is most distant sign of cosmic water from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 3:00) |
A steamy galaxy at the edge of the visible universe reveals that water was plentiful just 2.5 billion years after the big bang
Chocolate in peril from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 3:00) |
Witch's broom and frosty pod are threatening everyone's favourite sweet treat, and climate change could make things worse– the good news is that help is at hand...
Ecstasy over G spot therapy from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 3:00) |
This was the year that the semi-mythical G-spot was physically located by researchers– and now they're teaching women to use theirs to achieve orgasm
Glut of hot years a coincidence? Fat chance from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 1:55) |
The 13 hottest years since global records began have clustered in the last 17 years– statisticians consider the odds that climate change is to blame
[ニュース] 東大IRT研究機構、食器洗いを助けるキッチンロボットを発表 from Robot Watch (2008-12-18 0:34) |
'Evil water' linked to mysterious drownings from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-18 0:06) |
Expert swimmers who complain that some waters sap their progress even in fair weather may be telling the truth, experiments reveal
Invention: Slimline radioactive battery from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-17 22:03) |
A more efficient radioactive battery could help spacecraft or even medical implants last longer, a new patent application claims
Death map USA: Natural disaster hotspots revealed from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-17 20:30) |
For all the attention garnered by catastrophic hurricanes such as Katrina, they aren't the most dangerous type of weather in America
Deficit in 'poor' brains identified from New Scientist - Online News (2008-12-17 20:20) |
Brain differences seem to separate rich and poor children– a discovery that could guide ways to improve cognition in vulnerable groups