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RSS/ATOM 記事 (61504)
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Swapping facial features protects online privacy from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-7-29 0:00) |
Software that automatically pieces together different faces for people in web images could preserve public anonymity
[ニュース] イーフロンティア、「Shade アンロックデータ集 -STRONG ARMS-」を8月29日に発売 from Robot Watch (2008-7-28 21:15) |
Tweaked Kevlar vest stops bugs as well as bullets from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-7-28 21:15) |
The protective material worn by police officers has been put through a new process that makes it deadly to bacteria
Blue light helps flies feel the force from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-7-28 21:00) |
A protein that detects blue light also helps fruit flies tune into the Earth's magnetic field?crucial for the homing and migration abilities of many animals
Invention: Smart specs for the blind from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-7-28 20:00) |
This week's patents include glasses that signal obstacles using sound, an implant that can read the brain's system for hand-eye coordination, and shoes to take the load off your knees
Wild orangutans treat pain with natural anti-inflammatory from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-7-28 19:21) |
Great apes have never before been seen self medicating, although local people use the same natural balm to treat aches and pains
[ニュース] 「国際モダンホスピタルショウ2008」&「介護フェア2008」レポート〜ロボット化された医療機器が from Robot Watch (2008-7-28 16:23) |
【明日への布石】(974)岩谷産業(1)逆境バネに拡大 from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-7-28 9:50) |
【アイマイク】石油鉱業連盟会長 棚橋祐治さん(73) from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-7-28 9:50) |
AD: ANAの航空券をネットで買うと今なら往復航空券が当たる! from フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ - 総合ニュース (2008-7-28 9:50) |
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