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Viagra keeps ailing hearts pumping from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 5:00) |
The drug?commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction?appears to prevent heart damage caused by muscular dystrophy in mice
Volunteers asked to help find dead spacecraft on Mars from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 4:09) |
New online images could hold clues to the fate of NASA's Mars Polar Lander, which was lost on the Red Planet in 1999
Vending machine can spot a youthful face from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 1:34) |
A tobacco vending machine can compare a buyer's face against a large database of facial features to spot when they are too young to smoke
Comment: Here come the designer babies from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 1:33) |
Doom-mongers claim the first steps have been taken towards 'enhanced designer babies'?but are we really marching towards eugenics?
When burning gas is good for the planet from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 0:47) |
Rural families are slashing their energy costs, improving indoor air quality and helping preserve local forests by using biogas plants
Invention: Anti-scar bandage from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-13 0:35) |
This week's new patent applications include bandages that keep a wound tightly closed to avoid scarring, a high-pressure spray to blast teeth clean, and a way of pulsing light into the brain to reveal neuron activity
How the brain detects the emotions of others from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-12 20:45) |
"Mirror neurons" in the brain that light up when we watch other people doing tasks may also help us figure out how they are feeling
[¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹] IFPEX2008 Âè22²ó¥Õ¥ë¡¼¥É¥Ñ¥ï¡¼¹ñºÝ¸«Ëܻԥê¥Ý¡¼¥È¡Á¶õµ¤°µ¤ä¿å°µÍøÍѤΥí¥Ü¥Ã¥È¤â½¸¤Þ¤Ã¤¿Å¸¼ from Robot Watch (2008-5-12 20:38) |
Enzyme-coated plastic could mean self-cleaning fabrics from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-12 20:22) |
Plastic with clothes-washing enzymes built in could reduce laundry bills, or let protective suits digest chemical and biological hazards
Smart cables help bridges bounce back after quakes from New Scientist - Latest Headlines (2008-5-12 18:20) |
Bridges with "shape memory" cables could deform during an earthquake and snap back into place when it's over