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[ニュース] 逃げ回る目覚まし時計「ナンダクロッキー」に新色登場  from Robot Watch  (2008-2-14 15:53) 

RAS 2008 New Initiative Proposals Due Friday February 15  from IEEE-RAS news  (2008-2-11 8:00) 
Proposals for 2008 RAS Initiative Grants must be received by the RAS Administrator by Friday, February 15.As a result of a new IEEE policy established in 2007, the Robotics and Automation Society anticipates being able to use some of its 2008 budget to fund a modest number of initiatives that would benefit society members in general. We expect a maximum of $60,000 to be available to support initiatives. We hope to be able to fund several initiatives in the range of $5000 to $24900.
"IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine"Debuts  from IEEE-RAS news  (2008-1-29 8:00) 
IEEE Women in Engineering (IEEE WIE) Magazine, a new publication that will be issued twice a year to IEEE WIE members, has launched its premiere issue. The publication, sent as an interactive PDF file which enables easy navigation through the different sections of the magazine, aims to help attract, retain and sustain women in the engineering and science fields. Its articles integrate engineering subjects with current issues facing society including careers, health care, medicine, law, governance and womenâ??s issues. A print edition will be produced for distribution at symposiums and other events throughout the year. IEEE WIE currently has more than 12,000 members worldwide, with over 176 affinity groups â?? the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. Karen Panetta, 2008 IEEE Women in Engineering Committee chair, serves as editor-in-chief. View the publication at www.ieee.org/committee/women/13350.pdf.WIE Magazine
Call for Nominations: IEEE and RAS Society Awards  from IEEE-RAS news  (2008-1-14 8:00) 
Nominations for the the following IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Awards are due March 1. RAS Chapter of the Year Award RAS Most Active Technical Committee Award RAS Most Active Distinguished Lecturer Award RAS Pioneer Award RAS Early Career Award IEEE-RAS Distinguished Service Award IEEE InabaTechnical Award for Innovation Leading to Production IEEE/IFR Invention and Entrepreneurship Award IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation A description and list of previous recipients of each award is available on the RAS webpage at http://www.ieee-ras/member/awardsRAS.php. Nominators should use the appropriate Nomination Forms which are available on the RAS Secretary webpage, at http://www.ieee-ras.org/secretary/documents.php under "Volunteer Resources." Please send the completed nominations form to the RAS Administrator at r.g.snyder@ieee.org. Nominations for the IEEE Robotics Technical Field Award must be submitted to the IEEE by Januar ...
CFP: Scientific Workflow Management and Applications  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-12-4 8:00) 
Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Call for Papers Scientific workflow is a new special type of workflow that often underlies many large-scale complex e-science applications such as climate modeling, structural biology and chemistry, medical surgery or disaster recovery simulation. Compared with business workflows, scientific workflow has special features such as computation, data or transaction intensity, less human interaction, and a large number of activities. Some emerging computing infrastructures such as grid computing with powerful computing and resource sharing capabilities present the potential for accommodating those special features. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2008 For details see:
IEEE TFA and Fellows Nominations  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-12-4 8:00) 
Nominations for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Field Award, the most prestigious award offered by the IEEE in this area, are due January 31, 2008 . For nominations information see: http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/about/awards/sums/robotaut.html . Nominations for IEEE Fellows for the Class of 2009 are due March 1, 2008 . Fellow is the highest member grade of the IEEE, and no more than one tenth of one percent of voting members of the society may be elected Fellow in a given year. Fellow nominations must be submitted on-line, in strict accordance with the instructions provided. Please see http://www.ieee.org/fellows for details. Candidates for Fellow must be Senior Members of the IEEE and have been an IEEE member in good standing for at least 5 years. Fellows may not be self-nominated, but anyone may make a nomination. At least five letters of recommendation from IEEE Fellows are required.
KUKA To Sponsor Best Service Robotics ICRA Paper Award  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-12-2 8:00) 
The KUKA Roboter GmbH, a leading robotics company based in Germany, has agreed to sponsor a new paper award in the area of Service Robotics at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, beginning in 2008. The purpose of the award is to promote between robotics science research and industry R&D advancement in the area of service robotics applications (both professional and domestic). The sponsorship by KUKA will be initially for 5 years (2008-2012).
IEEE/RSJ IROS 2007 and Fires in the San Diego Area  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-10-26 8:00) 
IEEE/RSJ IROS 2007 WILL TAKE PLACE AS SCHEDULED If delegates need further information please contact Eddie Grant (General Chair), Tom Henderson (Program Chair), Gordon Lee (Local Arrangements Chair), or Kimberley Wallace at the hotel. Please note, Eddie Grant and Tom Henderson will travel to San Diego on Friday, October 26, 2007, so there will be a delay in any expected reply from them during that day. For more information and the status in San Diego, visit the website http://www.iros2007.org .
Call for Nominations: IEEE Robotics&Automation Field Award  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-10-11 8:00) 
Nominations for the 6th IEEE Robotics & Automation Technical Field Award are due at the IEEE by January 31, 2008. The award is presented for contributions in the field of robotics and automation. It can be presented to an individual or team of up to three in number. It includes but is not limited to: Manufacturing automation, Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environments, Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion, Robot Design, Modeling, Planning and Control, Methodologies for Robotics and Automation. The IEEE Robotics & Automation Award was established in 2002. As an IEEE Institute Level Award, it is administered by the Technical Field Awards Council of the IEEE Awards Board. In the evaluation process, the following criteria are considered: manufacturing automation, robotics and automation in unstructured environments, sensor design, integration and fusion, robot design, modeling, planning and control, methodologies for robotics and automation, and the quality of the nomi ...
2008 RAS New Initiative Grants: Tentative CFP  from IEEE-RAS news  (2007-9-26 8:00) 
As a result of a new IEEE policy, the Robotics and Automation Society anticipates being able to use some of its 2008 budget to fund a modest number of initiatives that would benefit society members in general. We expect approximately $90,000 to be available to support initiatives. We hope to be able to fund several initiatives in the range of $5000 to $24,900. While we cannot make a firm call for proposals at this time because IEEE will not approve our 2008 budget until mid-November, we are making a tentative preliminary call now because the time for proposal preparation after IEEE approves the 2008 budget will be too short. We do expect our budget to be approved. When it is, a final call for proposals will be issued to confirm what is contained in the Tentative Call for Proposals . Members are invited to submit proposals for initiative to the RAS administratorRosalyn Snyder r.g.snyder at ieee.org. In accordance with our Business Plan, proposals will be reviewed by the f ...

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